Who are we
Bill Haines BSC (Homs) MCIEEM
(Owner/Lead Ornithologist)
Bill (pictured on the left) is the owner and Lead Ornithologist at West London Birding. He has been an active birder for over 40 years, having cut his teeth at the original Barn Elms Reservoirs (now the WWT London Wetland Centre and the other reservoirs and birding sites in and around west London, as well as birding trip to other parts of the UK.
He has been a professional ornithologist for much of his working life and worked for the RSPB, BTO and the WWT, as well as environmental government agencies.
He has authored and co-authored several scientific papers and has also been published in the UK’s leading bird magazines.
He is an active ringer in and around the London area.
Bill is a full member of the CIEEM and holds a Schedule 1 disturbance licence for Barn Owl.
His favourite UK bird is the Manx Shearwater.